So, I replaced the entire antenna system with the following parts:
- Masthead antenna with a Shakespeare combination AIS/VHF antenna. ... _info.html
- Ancor Marine RG8X Coax, 47 ft total run back to the AIS receiver, with one split at the mast foot. ... cts_id=582
- All PL59 connectors replaced with Shakespeare Solderless, and continuity checked from the top of the mast to the AIS receiver. ... ts_id=5669
And I STILL get the VSWR Fault. Well, 3 out of 4 times that I start the network I'll get the fault, and 1 out of 4 it'll just boot right up. I haven't checked on the shiptracker website to see if I'm transmitting or not, yet. Any help or advice would be much appreciated.